There are so many great things that have come from this season of our lives. Perhaps the highlight has been that lives have been changed. There is something about a hard illness that causes people to look hard into their lives. One example is my Father. He has been mad a God for many years. I wouldn't say he deny's Him but he finally made peace with God about a month ago.
My dad (pictured left) will grow in God's goodness in his own time and own pace. My dad has been hurt by church before and he has always said "you don't have to go to church to believe in God." He is right, 100% right. However, he has been struggling with anger towards God for a long time now, especially since Natalie (his granddaughter, my daughter) was diagnosed with Leukemia.
Well, the other day my friend and pastor Andy Lewis felt that God had told him to come over and chat with my dad. Both of us were able to spend some quality time with him out in his workshop. When it was time to leave Andy told my dad that the reason he came over was he felt God has been asking him to pray for one person these past few months. He said that God is reaching out to you and He is not done with you. Andy asked Dom (my dad) to carefully consider to be baptized. Well, he did but it took a whole 3 minutes of thought. His words were "I would like that a lot."
By the end of our conversation everything was set for a winter back yard baptism in the spa! Well I am happy to say that the ceremony was wonderful. And just look at the peace that is radiating from my dads eyes. I tell you, it was a sight to remember for the rest of my life.
It's been 37 years since he as left the church behind (or they left him, if you hear the real story). All of that is in the past and it's time to now pray that all of us can provide a safe place for my dad to be able to work thought those hurts. I also pray that his commitment to "follow Jesus all the days of his life" would become a living and breathing part of him. Praise God, He is good. He is the Faithful One!
DomSr Baptism WebAlbum
P.S. My dad invited his Neice to be baptized too, so it was a double baptism.