Last night was extremely difficult for Natalie and the Orlandos.
Natalie cried all but one hour yesterday. Here is what is going on.
Natalie has had a bowel obstruction and this has prevented her from eating for the last three days. The doctors put her on an intravenous food diet so she is getting the nutrients she needs, but this doesn't subside her hunger. So we have a hungry little girl!
To compound the issue, Natalie is receiving steroids as part of the chemo. The side effect of steroids is an insatiable hunger. We have therefore a VERY hungry little girl.
According to Dom, the obstruction is clear now, but there is air perforating the wall of her bowel and this can be dangerous if the air moves to her chest. So they are still preventing her from eating normally. Please pray that the air doesn't move up.
The chemo is lowering Natalie's white blood cell count. White blood cells help with healing and are needed to address the issue of her bowel obstruction/perforation.
This is going to be a big week for Natalie and the Orlandos:
On Monday (Day 15) they are going to be doing another lumbar puncture to check for leukemia cells in Natalie's spinal fluid. This test is determining the progress of the treatment. If there are no leukemia cells that is good, if they are present that means more treatment and potentially moving Natalie to a higher risk category.
More importantly, the doctors are going to run more tests on Day 29 (OCT 1). This will be the most important test she has and will be the determining factor on her progress. We are hoping she will be in a 5 year survival rate (90%) referred to by Dom as "rapid responder" If by Day 29, Natalie still has Leukemia cells in her spinal fluid, she will be most likely placed in the "high risk" category with a lower 5 year survival rate (84%)
Dom & Dana asked that we all pray fervently for DAY 29.
Pray for her white count to go up before Day 29
Pray for her bowel obstruction/perforation to heal (so she can eat)
Pray for her spinal fluid to be free from Leukemia cells by Day 29
Pray for Natalie's comfort.
I'm wearing my bracelet and it really is reminding me to pray every time I look at it (which is really often). I am BEGGING the Lord to turn off the part of Natalie's body that is telling her she's hungry and just allow her to feel content. I'm praying for her comfort, and for you, D&D, to have patience and comfort, as you have to just watch her be SO upset and uncomfortable. We are blessed to know you. We loved seeing you yesterday. It's good to see that God is answering our prayers to give you strength.
Dom and Dana, there is so much happening right now with beautiful Natalie and so much stirring in my heart (our hearts) for her and for you. I'm sure that everyone shares in my wish to be able to take away her pain and your heartache and offer up more than words here. Though today a scripture was ringing in my head as I was thinking of you and in going back over the Pslams, I found it to be Psalm 91: 1-2 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust". These words were suddenly filled with life as I imagined you and Dominick and little Natalie and Nicole covered in a blanket of God's protection, His strength, His boundless love. Dom and Dana, I am praying for miracles. I pray that all of you will experience God's comfort today. And I pray for His Hope to penetrate you hearts as all of your brothers and sisters in the Lord come together wherever we are and lift you up in prayer expectantly.
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